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We drain mines and use methane | Spółka Restrukturyzacji Kopalń S.A.

Strona główna/English/We drain mines and use methane

We drain mines and use methane

We drain mines

  • We drain 13 mines and protect 7 active mining plants
    from water risks.
  • We discard into the basins of the Wisła and Odra rivers almost half of the water pumped by coal mining.
    It equates to about 90 million cubic meters per year.
  • Central Mine Drainage Plant SRK has 13 pumping stations.
  • If the liquidated mines were not drained, all 18 mines in the region would be successively flooded.
  • We increase the use of water for industrial purposes. We work on the project to treat water and provide
    it to the residents of Silesia.

We use methane

  •  We capture methane from three mines in SRK. In 2018 we sold over 25 million cubic meters of this gas.
  • We protect the natural environment by reducing the methane hazard and its emissions.
Przetargi i zamówienia nieruchomości, maszyny, złom, urządzenia i pozostałe.
Oferty nieruchomości, przetargi.
Strefa Klienta, sprzedaż i najem, mapa ofert.
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