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SRK in figures | Spółka Restrukturyzacji Kopalń S.A.

Strona główna/English/SRK in figures

SRK in figures

  • The company was established in 2000.
  • We have gathered 14 mines in 27 communes.
  • We employ over 3,000 employees.
  • We pump about 90 million cubic meters of water/year from mines.
  • The estimated value of works related to environmental protection shall amount to PLN 593 million by 2027.
  • We reduce greenhouse gas emissions by over 8,000 Mg/year
  • We have over 15,000 apartments with an area of 630,000 sq m.
  • SRK properties and other assets are located in 73 communes in Silesia and Western Lesser Poland.
Przetargi i zamówienia nieruchomości, maszyny, złom, urządzenia i pozostałe.
Oferty nieruchomości, przetargi.
Strefa Klienta, sprzedaż i najem, mapa ofert.
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