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Company tasks | Spółka Restrukturyzacji Kopalń S.A.

Strona główna/English/Company tasks

Company tasks

  • The basic task of the Company is to liquidate mines and protect the contiguous mining plants from water,
    gas and fire risks.
  • The company manages assets and sells properties of the liquidated mines.
  • It implements tasks connected with removal of mining damages and reclamation of post-mining areas.
  • The 2015 amendment introduced to the Act of 7 September 2007 obliged SRK to further tasks connected with the mining restructuring process. The company may now acquire mines, mining plants or their parts to liquidate and restructure employment.
Przetargi i zamówienia nieruchomości, maszyny, złom, urządzenia i pozostałe.
Oferty nieruchomości, przetargi.
Strefa Klienta, sprzedaż i najem, mapa ofert.
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